Project: CS2103 tP


checkUp is a desktop patient medical record management system. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 15 kLoC.

Summary of contributions

Code contributed

RepoSense report

Enhancements implemented
  • Get patients by their patient type: get /inp & get /outp
    • Description: Filters patients by their patient type (inpatient & outpatient)
    • Justification: Easier for hospital staff to identify which patients are staying in the hospital
  • Get the past appointments of patients: get /appt
    • Description: Obtains all past appointments of a specified patient
    • Justification: Hospital staff can view the medical history of a patient
  • Implemented sorting for past appointments
    • Description: Past appointments will be arranged from the most recent to oldest when added to the list of past appointments
    • Justification: Instead of sorting appointments by date whenever get /appt is called, sorting the appointments as it is added makes it more efficient as we foresee more get /appt commands than appt commands
  • Implemented the ability to click on patients in the person list panel
    • Description: Clicking on a person card in the person list panel updates their details on the person view panel
    • Justification: Easier access to patient’s details, rather than typing in the view command
Contributions to the UG
  • Added documentation for get /inp & get /outp
  • Added documentation for edit
  • Added ‘restrictions’ column to the table for add and edit command
  • Added a get command summary table
Contributions to the DG
  • Added documentation for get /inp & get /outp
    • Created a sequence diagram for get /inp to illustrate how the Logic component executes a get /inp command
  • Added documentation for get /appt
  • Edited Logic component to reflect the logic flow of GetCommand
  • Edited get command implementation
    • Edited overarching Sequence Diagrams for get command (only prefix & prefix + parameters)
    • Edited get /appton implementation to fit the format of other get command implementations
  • Add use cases for get /inp, get /outp, get /appt and sorting of appointments when added
Contributions to team-based tasks
  • Edited all previous mentions to AB3 to checkUp in the DG
  • Looked through UG to ensure consistent formatting for all parts
    • correcting weird phrasing
    • removing any typos
    • ensuring consistent formatting
Review/mentoring contributions